Alice Park Photography Family Day 2015
Every year, we invite all our clients and past clients to spend time with us at a park. We schedule back-to-back mini-sessions designed to capture beautiful individual and family portraits against the glittering Fall leaves. Alice will then apply her signature toning and black & white techniques on her favorite 10-15 images and burn each of them on CD (printable up to 5×7) for families to make as Christmas cards, gift portraits, and to archive for their own personal use. Signup is NOW available!
Dates & Times Available:
Saturday, September 26th from 8am – 12pm (only 2 spots remaining)
Saturday, October 17th from 1pm – 5pm (only 4 spots remaining)
Pricing: $600
Location: Available upon signup
To Sign Up: Email us at hello@aliceparkphotography.com with your desired date!