Alice Park Photography » Blog

Project Lyon: 42 Days Old

I realize I’m a very lucky parent, and I count my blessings daily.

Baby Lyon is getting chubbier and cuter everyday.  He’s a great sleeper, a great eater, and knows just when to smile to mom & dad so that all of our worries go away.

As I get back into the swing of shooting & seeing clients again, I’m reminded just how fortunate we are.  Babies come in all shapes & sizes.  Some suffering from colic issues, reflux acid, are born prematurely with chronic illnesses, allergies, certain deficiencies, and so on…

I’m spending as much time as I possibly can with my sweet boy, counting my blessings (and his toes! which by the way are 10 of them….Kyu counted) each passing day.

photo:  mandy johnson

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