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The New Look of Moms on Call

Many of you know of my love for the amazing nurses behind Moms on Call.  Laura came to visit us when Lyon was 8 days old, and we still use much of what she taught us today.  During some of our toughest infant phases and all throughout sleep training (toughest of them all) – she was my rock.

That’s why when Laura approached me about helping her redesign the look of Moms on Call – I couldn’t be more ecstatic.  Here was the look of the book before we stepped in:

Although eye-catching, it didn’t have the soft and baby-ish look they were hoping for.

So, this is where my side-kick designer Kristen Smith and I came in.  They loved our very first mock-up:

And look who made the cover of the 0-6month edition?  This chubby little fella 🙂

Their pages are filled with simple, easy-to-follow solutions for caring for your baby.  My favorite pages are the daily schedules that help get your family and child in a routine…  It’s a must-have for any new mother, and the set makes for perfect shower gifts to friends.  You can get your copies at our favorite baby boutique, Baby Braithwaite!

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