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Lyon’s 4th Birthday Party

There is no question that I love planning birthday parties for my children.  Last year, we decided to skip the big 3rd birthday party for Lyon and take him to Disney World instead.  And although it was an amazing trip, full of amazing memories, secretly – I had a tiny hole in my heart knowing that he didn’t get to celebrate with all of his friends.  Kyu thinks I’m nuts, and I probably am.  So, this year for his 4th – I decided to make it a special one for Lyon.

The theme was easy to decide on.  Lyon’s into super heroes and sports and all things boy.  But what he currently obsesses over, and in my opinion makes him so unique from others are ROBOTS.  It all started when we first walked into our favorite budget joint – Grind House Burgers on Piedmont Rd/Atlanta.  He’s pictured on their infamous robot wall on the back of his invitations.  He’s been completely smitten with them ever since…

Once we decided on a theme, it was easy for me to begin planning…


I love the way his invitations came out.  Sweet and simple and designed by the ever-talented Kristen Smith.

lyon-inviteBLOG-1We decided to host a sweet outdoor birthday party in our backyard.  April lends itself as one of the best times of the year to host an outdoor party, so it was a no-brainer for us.  A few details from the day of…



And one of our absolute favorite details of his birthday party were these mighty 6′ robots that we built from cardboard and paper.  With the help of our wonderful team, Kristen and Roya – it took us nearly 15 hours from beginning to end to finish.  A crazy undertaking for a 4-year-old birthday, but in my opinion – so absolutely worth it.

Lyon told me after the party he wanted to pass these on to another boy who loved robots as much as he did, so after a little bit of research – we took him to the Ronald McDonald House to deliver them to the kids himself.  I don’t think his response could have warranted a better gift to our sweet boy.  Just priceless….  Happy Birthday, Lyon!

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Today was a good day 🙂  We took Lyon to the Ronald McDonald House this afternoon so he could deliver these robots to the families staying there.  The children lit up when they saw them, and then Lyon lit up.  It was one of those really special “first” moments that you never want to forget as a parent…the first time your child experiences the joy that comes from giving.


Photography:  Casey Gardner of Alice Park Photography

Invitations:  Designed by Kristen Smith.  Printed at ProDPI.  Envelopes and liners from here.

Bouncy House:  Jumpstatic Atlanta

Robot Cake:  Publix Bakery (they were fantastic!)

Handmade Robots:  Supplies purchased from Home Depot and Office Depot



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